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  • Writer's pictureGina Cox

"Little Hints"

Updated: Sep 13, 2019

Once our hearts were spoken to regarding Africa, confirmation came in what I sarcastically call "little hints". Apparently, the Lord felt like we needed a little more convincing that he was, in fact, asking us to somehow connect with this part of the world.

While I don't remember exactly what Jay and I did after I got my hair unstuck from his shirt and my snot-filled face, I have a feeling that I crashed under the weight of the exhaustion that the day had brought with it. Trust me, hearing the Lord tell you to go to Africa will wear-you-out!

That evening, however, Jay and I paid a visit to my mom's house. It was her 82nd birthday! As we sat in her den talking about various things (nothing mentioned about Africa at that time), she casually asked if we wanted to go to a "sing" at her church that week. When I asked her for details, she quickly told me "Thursday night at 7:00. The LeFevre Quartet will be there". Respectfully, I must tell you that my mom does have difficulties remembering things and as she was trying fervently to confirm what she was telling us, she was searching through that day's COLUMBUS paper (that kind of information would have been in the local weekly paper). Obviously, I doubted that she had her facts straight. I encouraged her to stop searching as I could find out the details and told her that if we could, we would be glad to go. Once we left her house, I asked Jay to ride by the church to check the billboard. Guess what? EVERY detail that she gave was 100% correct! Amazing! We decided right then- we will go!

In the meantime, my work week continued. As I was sitting at my desk the next day, one of the ladies who worked on the same campus as me came in the office building. While I wasn't particularly close to this person, I did know that she was a woman of prayer. As she walked in my office for me to sign something, I felt the Lord speak to me and ask her to pray for us. In particular, I asked her to pray for Jay as I felt like he was going through a time of feeling like he needed to be doing more for the Lord but wasn't sure what. We casually discussed serving others and being a servant wherever we are. No mention of Africa was made. This lady then asked me, "Have you ever read the book Kisses From Katie by Katie Davis? It is such a good book about serving others." I hadn't but told her I would look in to it. At some point during the day, I pulled it up and downloaded it to be on my Kindle. As an avid reader, I always look forward to reading anything and had so many books on my Kindle to read. I am not one to start another book while I'm reading one. However, that evening as we were getting ready for bed, I picked up my device, opened it up and started reading Kisses from Katie. Jay had just dozed off and as I read, I discovered the book was based in.......Jinja, Uganda (Africa)! I think that I almost knocked Jay off of the bed as I sat straight up in the bed and shook him to tell him the news. Once I started the book, I couldn't put it down! I highly recommend it to anyone. But the point.....God put that book in my hands for a reason! It certainly was instrumental in the start of our journey to our destination!

Ok Lord, we got that hint!

The next night was the night of the "sing". Jay and I walked in to a standing room only crowd and enjoyed an evening of good ole' fashion gospel singing. At intermission, the leader of the group made an announcement. He said (and I'm paraphrasing), "During intermission, I'd like to ask you all to visit our table back in the back. We have some CD's for sale but I'd also like to ask you to take one of these flyers and pray about giving to this cause. The Lord recently laid it on my heart to begin supporting this cause of feeding children in AFRICA." I remember whipping my head to my side and looking at Jay as he did the same to me. My mouth dropped open.

Ok Lord, we got that hint too!

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